Medical and Prescriptions

- Receive all routine preventive care at no cost to you in network.
- Use in- or out-of-network providers, but will have greater savings with in-network providers.
How do I find out if my provider is in Anthem’s network?
With Anthem, we will not see any changes to our current network. To find out if a provider is in-network, please visit Search for providers or facilities in the BlueCard PPO (National PPO) network.
Can I go to any doctor I want?
You can visit any doctor of your choice, but it benefits you to visit an in-network provider. In-network providers offer deeper discounts for services, lowering the amount you owe for provider services. The out-of-network deductibles and coinsurance are often times higher, which drives up the cost of your medical claims.
How do I receive a new medical ID card?
Once you receive your ID card, you can log on to to manage both your medical and prescription drug benefits and order additional ID cards. Please share your ID card with all your providers. Digital ID cards can be accessed at any time through the Engage mobile application.

Home Delivery Pharmacy
Mail Order Form
Ask your doctor to write two prescriptions for your maintenance drug.
- A 30-day supply for you to fill at your local pharmacy.
- A 90-day supply (with three refills)—.fill out the order form. The form is included as a download in the Resources section below. Then mail it to us with your 90-day prescription. Be sure to include your method of payment. The return address is noted on the form.
Ways to Save on Prescriptions
Prices vary up to 400% for the same prescription drug between pharmacies. Use GoodRx to:
- Collect and compare prices for prescription drugs.
- Find coupons to use at the pharmacy.
- Show the lowest price at each pharmacy near you.
You should use GoodRx when the price is quoted cheaper than what Anthem insurance will cover, however the amount you pay with GoodRx will not automatically be applied toward deductibles.
Be sure to submit your GoodRx out-of-pocket expenses to Anthem as a claim.